
What Is the Cost of TV Advertising?

Hello again, this is Ron Perlstein, Founder of Advanced TV. I’ve been in the television advertising business since 1992. In 2016, we launched Advanced TV to leverage our vast media relationships and campaign experience for the emerging Connected TV and Streaming universe. It was “Wild West”, so to speak, in the early years. Nowadays we’re able to identify households and devices without cookies! Targeting, Re-Marketing, and Attribution are all quite sophisticated at this point. We see a lot of searches for “What is the cost of TV advertising?” Connected TV advertising has lowered the entry cost for almost any business. With Connected TV, advertisers can stream commercials on the most viewed and popular CTV platforms affordably. Advertise on Hulu, Pluto, Paramount+, Roku, A&E, Discovery. On these premium platforms, you can geo-target and also create a custom, highly targeted audience. These impressions cost two to three cents. There is no skipping on CTV impressions. The video

Connected TV + Remarketing

                            Targeting Your Audience with Connected TV + Remarketing Advanced TV Tactics™   In the old days, there were three broadcast networks and TV shows were sponsored by large advertisers, mostly big tobacco and soap. Next came UHF, and then in the 1980’s Cable TV launched . With Cable, advertisers were able target content to reach their preferred audience. News, Sports, Food, etc. I’m Ron Perlstein, and I have been in the media business since 1992. In 2016, we launched Advanced TV to serve the emerging CTV and OTT media marketplace. In the eight years since, we have added the latest and best ad-tech. We’re cookieless and have developed robust and accurate reports including Foot Traffic Lift and Multi-Touch Attribution. Connected TV + Remarketing is a game changing, proprietary methodology that we call Advanced TV Tactics™. What’s different from the Cable TV model? With Cable, if you wanted women interested in food, there’s the Food Network. But the Food Netwo

CTV Advertising vs OTT Streaming Campaigns

  Connected TV Campaigns (Large Screens) vs OTT Campaigns (All Devices) Do Marketers Want the Unduplicated Reach of CTV or to Reach Viewers Everywhere? OTT Streaming on Tablet With the rise of Streaming TV viewing, consumer behavior is changing, and savvy marketers need to understand their goals and their audience. For example, I could be watching my favorite show on my family room large screen, then finish the next afternoon on my mobile phone while I picked up the kids at soccer practice. Or maybe I missed my favorite sports team play, and I get the highlights on an app on my phone. You don’t have to be 18-24 anymore to engage in behavior like this. Everyone is learning how to be the master of their time and entertainment. The argument for exclusive Connected TV Advertising on the largest screens in the home is that the large TV screen is more engaging, more emotional, and exactly like watching TV ads on traditional linear TV. It’s true that the large screen is more compelling. It
  Connected TV Advertising Offers Unduplicated Reach 76% of Streaming Watch Time Is on a TV Screen Earlier this year, Forbes reported that Cord Cutting will continue to accelerate in 2021 with “27% of cable households disconnecting.” Other reporting from NBC Universal shows that 76% of streaming watch time is on a TV screen. With so many former cable subscribers cutting the cord, Connected TV Advertising offers unduplicated reach. These viewers no longer watch linear content! Modern consumers now have an average of 4 Streaming TV services and half are ad-supported subscriptions . TV viewing habits are in a generational shift. All generations are shifting their viewing. All generations are cutting the cord. Why: To save money, to watch their favorite content. It’s simple! CTV Advertising offers unduplicated reach with the targeting benefits of digital marketing. Reach these folks with Advanced TV tactics including re-marketing to their other devices. 2021 Connected TV advertising
  Connected TV Viewers Likely to Take Action After Viewing Ads on CTV Consumers have become digital-first consumers. These 21 st century consumers continue to propel the rise of Direct-to-Consumer brands. As marketers, we need to answer this question: What is the best way to reach this desirable audience group? Direct to Consumer shoppers are expanding across all age groups including: young, more educated, and frequent online shoppers. They also are Connected TV watchers –– Direct to Consumer (DTC) shoppers spend most of their weekly TV time watching their favorite shows and movies through streaming, with an average of 13 hours a week (20% higher than cable, and 70% higher than social). For Marketers looking to advertise to this high value audience,  there’s research  that explores exactly how Direct to Consumer brands are using Connected TV to reach these customers.  According to the report, Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) customers find less value in cable –– 25% planned to cut the cord

How To Create the Most Effective CTV Campaigns

  Traditional Linear TV Matches Programs to Demographics In the early days of television programming and advertising, advertisers “sponsored” the programs that most aligned with the product. For example, Pall Mall cigarettes sponsored “The Big Story” crime drama in the 1950’s. And the “Marlboro Man” sponsored auto racing events and shows in the 1960’s. And, even today, Marlboro still sponsors Ferrari at racing events. Most Connected TV Campaigns Target Audiences Targeting ideal prospects is the idea behind most Connected TV (CTV) campaigns. This is a game changer when it comes to TV advertising. In a typical traditional linear TV campaign targeting revolves around programming. So, if you are looking for women, “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” might be perfect. And the male/female skew is high at 72%. What if you could combine the best of traditional TV and the game changing targeting of Connected TV? Combine Custom Audiences With Congruent Programming For More Effective CT